What's New Around the Neighboorhood

Community Newsletter
Find out what’s happening in your neighborhood including important notices, resident profiles, events, activities, and much more. We look forward to your feedback, continued interest and participation.
On Saturday March 5, 2016, a group of Howard County Master Watershed Stewards visited Lakeside Dockside to assess stormwater runoff and erosion concerns and to design an action plan to help our community to treat and slow the flow of stormwater and pollutants such as pesticide, road salt, nutrients, and dog feces running into Lake Elkhorn, local streams, and the Little Patuxent Watershed.

February 2016
Congratulations to Craig Punte as our February website member sign-up winner! Craig is a new owner on Broken Staff - Welcome! Residents who signed up as Lakeside-Dockside.org website members were entered into a drawing for a special prize. Craig won a gift card to The Melting Pot! Check our community website regularly for future prize drawings.

January 2016
Congratulations to Marianne Eriksson as our January website member sign-up winner! Residents who signed up as Lakeside-Dockside.org website members were entered into a drawing for a special prize. Appropriate for our current winter season, Marianne won a brand new heavy duty snow shovel! Check our community website regularly for future prize drawings.

We have a new Board of Directors!
Due to the question of legitimacy of the previous election, a second membership meeting was held on October 28, 2015. Fifty seven home owners attended either in person or through proxies.
Five board members were elected. They were:
Rich Loeffler, Boniface Kyalla, T. J. Dillard, Lena Duguid, and Gerard Amato.
Rich Loeffler has since stepped down after 2 months on the new board. His seat is now filled by Melissa Davey.
For more details, please see the "Do-over" Election Oct 28 2015.

We are back to self-management
After a one-year trial of professional management by American Community Management, Lakeside Dockside homeowners have decided to go back to self management. This decision was made on the basis of mainly economic reasons.
The Board of Directors is now searching for a part-time bookkeeper among our residents to keep books and records for the HOA. If no suitable person can be found within our community, the search will be extended.
For more information about the part-time bookkeeper position, please check out our classified page.

We have new communication channels!
Our army of volunteers has been working hard to set up the following systems for residents to communicate with the HOA board, committees, and other residents in the community:
1. A HOA mail and email address
2. A HOA phone number for voice mail
3. A community website
4. A quarterly newsletter
5. An open board meeting on the 4th Wednesday of every month
6. A membership meeting/election in October every year

We have many new projects
We need your help to complete the following projects:
1. Paint and repair signs at Lakeside and Dockside entrances
2. Replace plants and shrubs at entrances and common areas
3. Work with Howard County's READY program to Install and maintain rain gardens in our community to improve soil erosion and storm water management
4. Increase the number of properties using Bay-wise yardsticks to reduce pollution in our water resources.
For more information about rain gardens, please click here.