Emergency Response Alerts

Snow Removal
Howard County owns and maintains 70 percent of our community roadways including: main branch of Broken Staff starting from Cradlerock Way to the cul-de-sac near the lake, Sweet Clover, Sea Change, and the upper loop of Dockside Lane (the first half leading from Cradlerock Way). The remaining 30 percent of our roads are owned and maintained by the Lakeside/Dockside community.
The community snow removal contractor for Lakeside/Dockside is Atlantic Management Group (AMG). Our contractor performs snow removal after the Howard County crew has plowed their portion of our community roads. Along with our private streets, AMG also cleans common area sidewalks. AMG does not clean county streets. Residents are required to clean sidewalks in front of their homes within 48 hours after a snowfall. The use of chairs and other materials to hold a cleared parking spot are not permitted.

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