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Did you know your landscaping can be low-maintenance, lake-friendly and Affordable?​
A team of Howard County Watershed Stewards can perform a free residential property assessment to help provide solutions for excessive rain water runoff.
Assessment Request | Howard County WSA

Neighborhood Erosion Condition Assessment Report



Watershed stewards report detailing the erosion stormwater management problems in our common areas and on private properties in Lakeside Dockside.

Solve your water run-off and erosion problems with a free expert consultation!

Get your assessment here

Become a

Master Watershed Steward!

Find out more here



Be part of our


clean water solution.

Take the watershed survey


On Saturday March 5, 2016,  a group of Howard County Master Watershed Stewards visited Lakeside Dockside to assess stormwater runoff and erosion concerns and to design an action plan to help our community to treat and slow the flow of stormwater and pollutants such as pesticide, road salt, nutrients, and dog feces running into Lake Elkhorn, local streams, and the Little Patuxent Watershed.  

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